Open Oceans
Wild Fish
Sustainable Seafood for All
We dream of the day when Maine’s Board of Environmental Protection will stand for the health of our waters, wild fish, and natural habitats.
Do you know where your seafood comes from?
Offshore finfishing - along with Genetically Engineered Salmon - threaten to destabilize our ecosystem, local economy and public health. These industrial-scale farms trap fish in overcrowded ocean cages, nets and and pens, all run by an industry with a long history of environmental malfeasance, mishandled chemicals, and unsafe practices.
There's another way. We believe in supporting our wild fishing communities and local, small-scale regenerative aquaculture businesses, all of which depend on marine and freshwater ecosystem protection and restoration for their sustained prosperity and cultural survival.
The Troubled History of GMO Salmon
Salmon People
Indigenous tribes are voicing strong opposition at state and national levels on the spiritual, ethical and political violations that the engineering of salmon represents. Learn more by viewing the above video or visiting the Community Alliance for Global Justice.
Don't Cage Our Oceans
Don't Cage Our Oceans is a coalition of diverse organizations working to stop the development of offshore finfish farming through federal law, policies, and coalition building, and is a great resource to learn more about the issues. Visit their site here.
Nature Doesn't Factory Farm
The tide is turning on netpens - in spite of the early hype. Originally championed by large corporations and politicians, including Cooke Aqualculture and then-Maine Governor Angus King, netpens proved to be breeding grounds for disease, infection and parasites, releasing millions of pounds of untreated waste and wreaking havoc on the surrounding ecosystem. In fact, Governor King was initially such a huge supporter of Cooke Aquaculture (despite their questionable environmental record) that he actively worked - and ultimately failed - to prevent the federal listing of wild Atlantic Salmon as an endangered species.
Netpens are a colossal ecological failure. Nature doesn’t factory farm for a reason.
Learn more about how netpens are now being dismantled here.